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Casio lanserer tredje generasjon High Speed EXILIM kamera
med forbedret brukervennlighet og design Utstyrt med nytt brukergrensesnitt og maskinvare vil dette nye flaggskipet utnytte det beste ut av High Speed teknologien.
Casio Computer Co., Ltd., lanserer i dag en ny modell i High Speed EXILIM serien av digitale kameraer — EX-ZR1000. Utstyrt med 24mm*1 vidvinkellinse og 12,5x optisk zoom, arver EX-ZR1000 de berømte høyhastighetsmulighetene som hver High Speed EXILIM har. Kameraet har et nyutviklet høykvalitets brukergrensesnitt og nye funksjoner som funksjonsring og vridbar LCD-skjerm for betraktelig bedre brukervennlighet, samt forbedret ytelse sammenlignet med tidligere modeller. *1 Konvertert til 35mm film format
Da Casio lanserte EX-F1 i 2008 var det verdens raskeste med sine 60 bilder i sekundet.*2 Kameraet åpnet opp et helt nytt marked for Casio sin High Speed EXILIM teknologi, som fanger bevegelser som er for raske til å se med det blotte øye. Casio kombinerte så sin High Speed fotografering med High Speed bildebehandling og laget den nye prosessoren EXILIM Engine HS i 2010. Den nye prosessoren kom først i kameraet EX-ZR10, en modell med høyhastighet ytelse som overgikk konvensjonelle kompaktkamera med sine raske reaksjonstider og High Speed seriefotografering. *2 Pr 6. Januar 2008, basert på Casio’s undersøkelser blant digitalkameraer for forbrukere.
Med det nye EX-ZR1000 har Casio som mål å designe et digitalkamera som elegant fanger alle øyeblikkene som brukerne ønsker å fotografere. Utviklingen har hatt temaet ”TRIPLE ZERO” og Casio har klart å lage et nytt EXILIM Engine HS system som praktisk talt eliminerer tidsintervaller, dårlig fokus og uklarhet forårsaket av kamerabevegelse. Med dette nye produktet har tredje generasjon High Speed EXILIM dukket opp.
EX-ZR1000 tilbyr muligheter for høyhastighetsfotografering med en oppstartstid på 0,99 sekunder,*3 høyhastighets autofokus på 0,15 sekunder,*4 og intervalltid mellom vanlige bilder på så lite som 0,26 sekunder.*5 Kameraet har ny brukervennlig og logisk menystyring, så fotograferingen oppleves avslappende og enkelt. Andre nyheter er en funksjonsring som lar en zoome med venstre hand, grafiske indikatorer, synkronisert kontrollhjul og en LCD-skjerm som er vridbar og dermed gjør det lettere for brukere å ta bilder i forskjellige perspektiv. Til sammen gjør disse funksjonene at kameraet er enkelt og raskt å betjene. *3, 4, 5 Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) standard målinger.
Som det neste trinnet for Casio’s High Speed EXILIM, er EX-ZR1000 fullt av nye opptaksmuligheter laget for å realisere TRIPLE ZERO målet. Det inkluderer høyhastighets følgefokus som automatisk fokuserer på objekter i bevegelse, til og med under seriefotografering. Casio’s Alt I Fokus Makro gir bilder der alt er i fokus, fra makroforgrunn til bakgrunn. High-Speed Nattprogram er et motivprogram som eliminerer bilder med kameraristing under mørke forhold ved hjelp av seriefotografering og ISO 25600.
En jubileumspakke i anledning at EXILIM er 10år, som inneholder skinnveske med skulderstropp og EX-ZR1000, blir tilgjengelig ved lanseringen.
Resten av pressemeldingen fortsetter på engelsk:
Main Features of the EX-ZR1000
Equipped with EXILIM Engine HS Version 3 with newly developed system The EX-ZR1000 employs a newly developed system for Casio’s EXILIM Engine HS, which consists of a reconfigurable processor and a vector graphics core. The vector graphics core smoothly produces two-dimensional images, while the reconfigurable processor combines high-performance functions and high-speed processing via a dual-CPU, two parallel image processors and various other new technologies. These improvements deliver best-ever high-speed shooting capability, including 0.99-second*6 start-up time, 0.15-second*7 high-speed auto focus, and as little as 0.26-second*8 shooting between frames. The camera also boasts a high-quality GUI. The display is very easy to view, making for intuitive operation. *6, 7, 8 CIPA standard compliant
Fitted with a function ring and control dial for intuitive and quick operation
Casio has remodeled the EX-ZR1000 with a new graphic user interface and synchronized hardware to enable more intuitive operation. Users can operate a Step Zoom with nine settings in addition to the regular zoom by rotating the function ring mounted around the lens. This lets users take successive shots by pressing the shutter with the right hand while zooming in and out with the left hand. The function ring also allows users to set the exposure value (EV) shift, shutter speed, manual focus, and white balance. In addition, the control dial mounted next to the LCD is synchronized with all settings shown in the display, enabling users to quickly change settings while looking at the LCD.
Camera stand and a Tilt-type LCD let users enjoy shooting from various angles
The EX-ZR1000’s LCD can tilt up to 180 degrees, helping users to shoot photos from various angles as well as take self portraits with the LCD tilted at a 180-degree angle. Self portraits can also be taken when you are away from the camera by using the motion shutter, which snaps the photo in response to the subject’s movements. Additionally, the built-in camera stand, which allows the user to stand the camera either horizontally or vertically, opens up even more photographic options.
Snap photography for successive shooting Using the neck strap and the Tilt-type LCD with a fixed focus makes it easy to take snap photos without any focus time lags.
AF burst shooting keeps moving subjects in focus even while continuously shooting
Casio has accelerated the frame rate in the auto focus (AF) mode and optimized the camera’s lens drive control, image sensor control and AF algorithm for parallel processing of AF operations and high-speed continuous shooting. This makes it possible to achieve AF burst shooting up to 30 frames and as fast as six frames-per-second, which makes it possible to take clear photos of moving subjects such as children and pets.
All-In-Focus Macro and Blurred Background deliver total focus control with high-speed continuous shooting
The EX-ZR1000 comes with All-In-Focus Macro, which selects only in-focus areas from continuously shot images at different focus settings to produce a composite image. This achieves photos with every area coming out in focus, from foreground subjects to far-away backgrounds, which are hard to produce using a conventional camera. Also, Casio has employed its high-speed continuous shoot technologies to create Blurred Background, an original technique for processing the background scene of a shot like the soft blur effect attainable using a single-less reflex camera, thereby accentuating the subject of the photo. Users can select from three different processing levels of blur effects to set the background focus just as they wish.
Premium AUTO PRO function produces beautiful photos with just a press of the shutter button
The Premium AUTO PRO function automatically analyzes the shooting scene to choose the best settings and perform image processing. It automatically combines images from high-speed continuous shooting according to shooting conditions to create gorgeous photos. Users can easily take sophisticated photos at the press of the shutter button, thanks to the automatic activation of functions such as HDR technology, which combines photos of differing exposures to handle high-contrast conditions, as well as High Speed Night Scene mode for night shots and High Speed Anti Shake for high-power zoom shooting, both of which combine highly sensitive, continuously shot images, taken with camera shake kept at a minimum, to reduce noise in the resulting image. For movies, the Premium AUTO Movie function automatically analyzes the scene to choose the best settings, by detecting people, landscapes, night scenes, macro subjects, blue skies, foliage and low light.
HDR technology faithfully reproduces images as they really appear, avoiding under- or over-exposure
With Casio’s HDR technology, each press of the shutter button actually takes several shots at different exposures and instantly combines them into a single image with a high dynamic range. This minimizes over exposed or under exposed areas in the image, creating a photo that captures all the rich tonal gradation of the scene just as it appears in real life.
HS Night Shot eliminates camera shake even in dark settings
With Casio’s HS Night Shot, the EX-ZR1000 detects shooting conditions and conducts high-speed burst shooting of numerous frames determined automatically with a level of light sensitivity as high as ISO 25600. High-precision positioning alignment technology suppresses any low-frequency camera shake that may not be completely eliminated by the optical Anti Shake correction function. Casio’s latest image-processing technology also completely removes low-frequency color noise, which has typically been very difficult for cameras to eliminate. These technologies work together to produce beautiful photos with minimal blur, even in low-light conditions.
HDR-ART for creating artistic photos; freedom to create artistic images with ART Shot
Users can create artistic photos using Casio’s HDR-ART function, which combines continuous shots with differing exposures while performing advanced analysis to locally change the intensity of contrast and color saturation. Users can now choose from a total of five different processing levels of art effects to enjoy creating more freely expressive images, as two more levels have been added to the three previously available. These two new effect levels employ state-of-the-art advanced tone mapping technology to produce impressive tonal gradation for more dynamic photos. Additionally, ART Shot offers eight different filters for creating the artistic photos of the user’s preference: toy camera, soft focus, light tone, pop art, sepia, monochrome, miniature and fisheye. Users can change the color and processing levels of each filter, and can view the effect on the display and adjust the result prior to actually taking a picture. Even better, all of these filters can be used for shooting movies, too.
Capture every image with and without filter processing with a single press of the shutter
The HDR-ART function simultaneously saves both the filter-processed image and the standard photo with a single press of the shutter button.
Scenes come alive in their full expansiveness with the Wide Shot function
The EX-ZR1000 combines continuous shots taken with high-speed continuous shooting when the user is moving the camera, enabling powerful super-wide-angle shots. Users can choose wide-angle shooting modes equivalent to 14 mm or 18 mm. Slide Panorama captures 360-degree panoramic images The Slide Panorama function detects moving subjects and faces and adjusts them appropriately as the camera is moved, allowing users to create more natural-looking panoramic images just by panning the camera across a scene.
Multi Frame SR Zoom maintains refined image quality with exceptional clarity to a maximum zoom of 25x
The wide-angle 24 mm, 12.5x optical zoom lens offers zoom performance equivalent to a maximum of 25x optical zoom with Casio's Multi Frame SR Zoom, which actually combines a number of still images to maintain the image quality needed for high-resolution photography.
Manual shooting and Raw Image shooting mode for the enjoyment of photos taken just the way you like
There are also a variety of manual shooting features such as shutter speed priority, aperture priority, and manual exposure. The EX-ZR1000 is also equipped with a mode for saving raw images, a first for a High Speed EXILIM, made possible by the EXILIM Engine HS.
Mode dial for rapid access to shooting modes
The EX-ZR1000 is fitted with a mode dial that lets users quickly choose from 10 shooting modes, including Premium AUTO PRO, ART (which combines the HDR ART and ART Shot functions), and a Custom mode that allows the user to save favorite function settings.
Works with Eye-FiTM/FlashAirTM for wireless connection to computers and smartphones
The EX-ZR1000 is compatible with Eye-FiTM/FlashAirTM, making it possible to wirelessly send photos and movies to a computer or smartphone.