Fujitsu Esprimo
Pressemelding fra Fujitsu 5. juni 2012:
Denne produktnyheten er en direkte gjengivelse av en pressemelding fagbladet Elektronikkbransjen har mottatt, og er ikke redaksjonelt behandlet.
Fujitsu får tvillinger!
Nye ESPRIMO PC-familiemedlemmer er ideelle for både store og små virksomheter
• Den nye, globale ESPRIMO-serien av stasjonære PC-er gir stordriftsfordeler for større bedrifter
• Nyeste 3. generasjons Intel® Core™ prosessorfamilie
• Den nye, globale ESPRIMO Mini PC-serien sparer strøm, minsker støy og reduserer varme
– Med introduksjonen av vår nye globale PC-serie har vi fått tvillinger. Inne i boksen er de nye ESPRIMO-modellene identiske ned til programvarebilde og systemdrivere, sier Remy Skogstrand, produktsjef PC i Fujitsu Norge. Dermed kan Fujitsu garantere kunder over hele verden at de kjøper en virkelig global PC-serie med fullstendig utskiftbare deler. Det eneste som skiller er ulik strømkabel og språk i operativsystemet.
Fujitsu today announces a new global line-up of ESPRIMO desktop PCs, introducing across-the-range performance improvements. New models feature standardized architecture and components, making them attractive to organizations that want to benefit from economies of scale by applying worldwide standards.
With its new global PCs, now incorporating the 3rd generation Intel® Core™ processor family, Fujitsu is further cutting the total cost of ownership for desktop computing. Energy-efficient models are identical around the world – and Fujitsu takes this design philosophy further by applying this concept to two different-sized ESPRIMO desktop PC models.
For large organizations, managing global fleets of desktop PCs becomes incrementally more expensive and complex due to the presence of different makes, models, designs and form factors. As well as needing to support a wide and eclectic range of hardware and software drivers, short-term break-fix repair for faulty PCs is only possible if appropriate spares are held on-site.
Adopting a global standard for PCs enables enterprises to cut the total cost of ownership for their PC fleet. Essential spares can be stocked locally – allowing the reduction of unplanned downtime since the parts are guaranteed to fit all the PCs. Standardization also cuts the time required for system provisioning and maintenance – because of the reduced number of hardware drivers.
Choice of form factors but identical components, worldwide Fujitsu’s new twins are the ESPRIMO E710 desktop and P710 microtower PC models, built from the same parts, including the mainboard, power supply, hard disk drive, optical drive and main memory modules. Fujitsu offers various configurations to suit different environments. One clever option is the FastOn feature, where the system boots from a cold start to login screen in just 13 seconds, meaning there is no need to leave an ESPRIMO PC running idle overnight just to avoid a lengthy start-up and login process. Network-based support is simple, since the ESPRIMO E710 and P710 ship with built-in Intel Standard Manageability.
Fujitsu also introduces a third global PC – the mini PC ESPRIMO Q910, which uses standard desktop technology instead of mobile components. As well as taking up less desktop space than a standard PC and reducing cable clutter thanks to a built-in power supply, the ESPRIMO Q910 is highly energy-efficient. With optional low-voltage processors cutting Typical Energy Consumption (TEC)* to just of 31.3 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year per system, the new mini PC is ideal for environments such as call centers, while seamless network integration and administration is assured thanks to Advanced Intel® Desktop Manageability via Intel® vPro™ technology.
As well as being small in size, the ESPRIMO Q910 features an eye-catching, Red Dot Award-winning design, and has excellent manners – as it is normally near silent in operation, thanks to the Zero Noise option. Fujitsu’s advanced power and cooling design means that system fans run only sparingly, helping reduce noise and heat output as well as saving lifetime energy costs.
Pricing and availability
New Fujitsu ESPRIMO PCs are now available in Norway. Recommended pricing for the ESPRIMO E710 and P710 starts at EUR 559 and varies by configuration. The ESPRIMO Q910 starts at EUR 799.